Friday, May 21, 2010

End of the year:(

This year of school has been quite amazing. I really enjoyed English the most because my teacher taught me really good information. All of my teacher really taught me good, not only did they do that but they also taught me some things in life. There were some down points in my school year, including the test and overall being a freshman. But now i'm over that, I know that from now on, i'm only allowed to move foward with life. My teachers taught me that I can get anywhere with my life as long as I have a good education and work hard for what I want. My next year goals are to try my hardest in everything, and give it my all. I hope that I could also still keep in touch with the teachers that i enjoyed. Next year is only another step foward in my journay of life!

Friday, March 26, 2010

animal farm

The book Animal Farm is really good over all. It really teaches you a lot of life lessons especially on working together, helping others and leadership. It also shows that there are some people that take advantage of the power they are given, for example the pigs. They controlled everyone on the farm and broke the rules just because they knew they would get away with it. Jones didn't take care of what he should have been, but in the end the animals brought it all together and made it better than it ever was. The book is a life lesson to kids and even adults. I recommend reading this book to 6th graders and even younger children.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Animal captivity

Animal Farm is very similar to our human life today. Are animals being held in captivity fair? The farmer holds all the animals into a barn with many other types and species of animals. Just like Animal Farm animals have the drunken farmer as a ruler, we have the government. We have animals that are just followers of their ruler, once again we relate to that with popular groups and the nerdy kids by them following who is better. But the real question is do you think that animals should be held in captivity? Is that fair? Ever since the encomany has gone into debt the animals are getting punished for it. If you really think about it, the animals get punished worse than we ever could. Like in the book, the Mr. Jones the farmer tends to kill old or useless animals when he has no need for them anymore. I'm going to admit that humans around the world do that too, but we are worse than this farmer. People kill and abuse animals just because they are over populated or they don't like them, But that's wrong. We take animals lives and eat them, we take their children and cook them. I'm almost 100 percent positive that none of you guys would want someone taking a brother/sister and killing them and eating them for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Right? But its not even that! we are taking animals and stuffing them into a 3 by 4 foot kennel and letting them sit there for 10 to 14 hours a day. Animal captivity is cruel and very harmful to us and our lives in the future.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The power over you.

What is the most powerful or important person in your life? Well personally my mother holds the power in my life. When i'm in trouble or need help , shes there. Even when i did something terrible she gives me a punishment but she always try to understand to the best of her ability. The person that has power in your life might help you with making the right choice like my mom does. For example, she influences me to do my best and to never give up or let someone or something come between me and my dreams. Power doesn't always mean have control over you, it means someone that influences you, supports you, but still has some say over what your choices are. They help you when you need it and they never leave you sitting there. The power person in your life might be a boyfriend/girlfriend, a close friend, a family member. Anyone can be a power or influence to someone. Mine just happens to be my mom, you always know that they are going to love you even when you go through the worst of times. I know that without my mom's power , influence, and help then i wouldn't be the person that i am today.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Drug Abuse.

According to The Federal Government's Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 30 to 40 million people in the United States have used illegal drugs in the past year. Addiction is a painful process, mentally and physically. In the near future, hopefully these numbers will decrees dramatically. While some people think that drugs are used because the way that they make you feel, But the main reason is that they are addicted.

Some possible reasons why people use drugs are simple. First of all, not everyone handles pressure the same. For some people it’s really easy but for others its very difficult when they are being pressured. The pressure may depend on what their childhood was like. Some kids grow up around drugs and are near them every day, but for some they don’t even know what drugs are till they start to grow up. Pressure is not the only reason that people use drugs, there are many reasons why they do. For example, some people don’t know how to handle depression, this may have them turn to drugs. Most people that have depression abuse or use a drug to help them get over what may have happened. For them it can relieve stress/pain and make it easier on them. Other wise there are many different options on why people use drugs.

I believe that addiction is the main cause because it makes your body want more. For example, physical addiction tells your body that it needs more, that your body really needs it and is absolutely dependable on it. But you can’t forget about mental addiction either. Mental addiction means that your mind tells you that you need more, but your body doesn’t necessarily need the drug. People that have mental addiction usually progress to physical addiction. Mental and Physical addictions are ones that your body and mind depend on.

From the millions of people using drugs, it can lead to many pain full lives and can also ruin them. Hopefully in the future the numbers can lower, and the number of people not using drugs can increase. Overall, everyone that use and/or abuse drugs are increasing their risk of getting health issues, having a greater chance of ruining things that are good for them, and also making more bad choices. Some people will adventually relieze if they are making a bad choice for themselves or not. In till that time comes, we have to point out what effects and changes come with drug abuse and use.